Other's Responses
Nothing like a good, loving.... wait....
And the teacher corrected it??
Instead of calling the cops on her daddy, she just changes the spelling... It makes everything better!!!
What the hell does the kid rest his head on, a red cinder block?
tucs? fucs? they are both good
"well we do live in South Carolina''
She forgot to correct cus.
it says he 'tucs' and the teacher has corrected in to 'tucks' Learn to read, guys.
she wrote "tucks" it just looks like an f
how big is his...
Oooooh it's a 't' ...
its say TUCK -.-
the best part, his dad's dick hanging out
What the f***? She corrected it?
What's really disturbing is that the teacher corrected the spelling!
this kid is definitely gonna have a sore neck in the morning
It's tucks guys, debunked. Go home.
This SEEMS wrong in so many ways. I wonder how the kid will react if they ever see this when they are older...
You're all retarded... it says, "tucks." See and say, people... see and say.
"tucks" TBF the picture says otherwise...
wait.. his name is Austin Powers?
I love dad cus he fucs me in bed.
So the teacher corrects "tucs"/"fucs", but not "Cus"?
lmfao omg his teacher must be freaking out
The father has a third leg... You know what I mean...
idk whats disturbing about the teacher correcting it to "tucks"
hahahahaha priceless
Oh....TUCKS!!!! Gotta get my eyesight tested.....
Someone should be calling Social Services
This is bullshit... I "fuc" him in bed not his dad.
I think we need child protection services Austin's house.
Is it just me, or does the whole picture look like a giant butt crack?
its acctually "I love my dad because he TUCS me in bed.
What makes it sillier is that, as well as having a suspiciously f-like t, the drawing is of this child's dad ontop of them in bed.... Although it is really quite cute.
well.. that turned kinda innappropriate
No, teacher, I was right the first time.
the correct word is "puts".. zero for the teacher..i wonder what was going on the teacher's head when she/he corrected it
He didn't mean tucks.
Who the hell uses Comic Sans for test papers?
Assessment Philosophy
tucs or fucs?watevah!
And the teacher took a picture and uploaded it.
that dad has a veeeeeeeery long body and a pen0r thats almost equal to justin biebers
Oh my god....that pillow is fucking terrible.
Such a cute story, wait what did that kid say, gigitty gigitty
Nothing like a good, loving.... wait....