Other's Responses
Well, the question did say "No extra cover."
Isn't the answer.....$2,000?
Poor guy, should have offered his first born son instead. Now he can't.
The old man certainly is enjoying himself
LOL at the eyes!
The professor must be been enchanted having seen this work of art
Suck on that...
Purpleman looks dead...Pinstripeman is a necropheliac.
that's what you call merchant banking
MY dick is worth more than $2,000 to me!
Well, the question never did mention how the money was going to be repaid...
prof is gay
is that a...never mind-it's too gross to type!
looks like bush
well stupid questions deserve stupid answers !
The old man looks ready...
OMG!! thats my brothers test XD I remember that X3
The dick has a dick... Finally someone can divide by 0 w/o their head exploding!!!
loopin is a NEKPHILIAK!!!1!1!!!!!!!! BTW fangz 2 raven 4 doin dis coment U ROK1!!11!!! MCR ROX!!!11!!!!!!!1!!!
That is not what a ball sack looks like. I would know.
Must be a valuable one then...
Oh lol, this reminds me of my last CRT. The way they were doing it was that it was being sent out to the school board, and the people taking the test were to stay anonymous. I had fun with that one.
Well, the question did say "No extra cover."