Other's Responses
3rd rule of thermodynamics. If all else fails, see rule 1 and 2
[This comment has been flagged for talking about thermodynamics]
Fight Club reference<33333
...Enzyme's sidekick
rule 34 of thermondynamics : what ever it is, there is thermondynamics of it.
I am Jack's awful attempt at humor.
I suspect teacher and student are actually the same person.
i should have said that in MY thermodynamics exam lol. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FTW!!!
I love all the film references
lovin the fight club referance, this guy is brilliant
fight club win!
I LOVE FIGHT CLUB! i love this person haha
Way to break rules 1 and 2. Also, the rules of the internet are a direct reference to Fight Club. Ergo, by transitive property, Mr. Thermodynamics was referencing Fight Club. GTFO MY INTERNET NEWFAG
we did thermodynamics in class yesterday and were told the rules are as follows: you can't win the game you can't draw the game you can't get out of the game
Rule 34 on Enzyme
fight club reference = epic, on my science exam i took in july it said something like explain why buckminister fullerene is so useful using your own knowlage, i put 'i have know knowlage on buckminister fullerene' :P, the great thing was my head master came up to me and told me that all the teachers are in contact with the exam board and they share funny answers lol
4th Rule of Thermodynamics, I get points for this answer
Found on Mathematics exam: Q: "Explain mathematical induction." A: "Law #1 of induction is you don't talk about induction. Law #N+1 of induction is you don't talk about law #N of induction." Got full credit, because it actually showed that student knew induction.
the science of comics!
Rule 37: There are no thermodynamics on the internet
you all forget the 0th law of thermodynamics
3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out, thermodynamics is over.
Basically, hes saying: Don't talk about Thermodynamics or the Nazi Boss Snake (see previous page) will kill you!
it's funny...
3rd rule of thermodynamics. If all else fails, see rule 1 and 2