Other's Responses
caramel: the dark matter of the milky way
4/5 marks?
I suppose Mars would be eaiser to explain xD
That is an Opinion Question..why did the teacher count off a point? lol
i want to learn about the 3 Musketters because ever since i had the candy bar i've been wondering...
obviously its like a 1st graders work
why the hell did the teacher take one point off for an opinion question??
deserves a 5/5
Same! I was like, Mikey Way? Who wouldn't want to learn about the sexiest bassist alive?
I think that was a five question quiz because it says "3." before the answer; he probably missed one of the other questions, which would be why it says 4/5. :P
This is fake dudes):
why did he get 4 marks?
Hmm... Interesting
For a little kid, that is straight-up adorable.
He probably got 4/5 because it was most likely just a questionnaire for the student like what he wants to learn and stuff.
And that's why kids these days suck at school. Take that, America!
4/5? It deserves a perfect score.
Chocolate bars usually playing in the Milky way. your parents knows better
I'm not even kidding, I think this is mine from second grade.
He lost the one mark because he didn't specify *what* he was wondering, brah! Happens all the time....
that chocolate it's sooo yummi :D
i've been wondering too...milky way to go!! YAY!!
eh the 4/5 is the date if it's a mark it will have a circle outside
Nah....Earth is easier to explain
I thought it said Mikey Way .
The milky way revaluation has started lol
Because they want to know if stars are made of nougat, duh!
wtf if its the date why is it there? and in red? -.- LOL
No, this is real, so real, so so real like you wouldn't believe.
Clearly George Bush did this.....
What the hell could he be wondering about?
Maybe he just had 4 out of five questions correct?
to get 5 you needed to have added a picture of it, and fyi i am not a zombie.....well im not dead at least......
i want to answer this exam too......
caramel: the dark matter of the milky way