Other's Responses
Happy rainbow looks happy
Sad bunny looks sad.
rofl he got a check for it. XD My science teacher would have accepted that. :P
"if i ever become a teacher every kid that writes something awesome on there paper gets an A+" THEIR paper. Good luck with the future career in education...
He got that one correct. The Answer is happy rainbow and sad bunny!
he didn't get a check for it he got a line and changed it with a black pen
The rainbow well makes up for it
did they get that right of something?
way to speak the truth!!!
ehh, he would have gotten extra credit had he put a double rainbow...
I wish I had those kind of teachers xD
I wonder if sad bunny can taste the happy rainbow?
In some classes, the teacher will use a check to mark the questions you got WRONG, and leave the correct ones check-less. This could be one of those cases, so don't you guys go thinking this is a good idea.
and they ticked it too...
I guess the rainbow worked??
since when can you mesure the area in m and not in m2??
Yes! 1 Mark! I Knew That The Rainbow Would Make Up For It!
She was probably the only one in class who realized that it's a trick question as a triangle with a base and and area both in the unit meter does not exist.
yes big tick for the happy rainbow!
the best part is it's ticked XD
and a bunny :)
i have no idea what you are talking about so here is a rabbit with a pancake on its head
"Yes, a rainbow will do it too"
what if a mark means they got it wrong...?
dude that wrote that the answer is 4 times is correct.
Omg he got full credit :D Must do that on the next math test I have.
thats not a different color pen.. when you make a check mark the area where its the darkest is where you being the check mark.. it got lighter as the teacher finished it..the heaviest ink mark is when the pen first hit the paper :)
Double rainbow all the way across the page!
area unit is wrong! that's why the bunny is sad.. and the rainbow is happy because it has no clue of whats going on
The teacher made a mistake when stating the exercise. It should have said: 2x*x + 5x + 2. So the rainbow-bunny solution is correct in a sense. I.e. there is no solution to this problem.
If i wrote "twinky" as the answer to anything in my science class he would accept it as an answer.
hahahahaha super
Am I the only one that thought "The area is in m^2, not m"?
What I love is that he still got a mark!that teacher rocks!I'll be trying that on my teacher!!
I love when they try to reason with the teacher with random drawings lmao! Hilarious
Lol wow i my teacher was like that cuz she loves raibows and bunnies XD
The question is flawed, so the answer is reasonable. The area cannot be in meters, it must be in square meters.
it got a tick :L
And a BUNNY!!!!!
Psycopath handwriting and drawings...
area unit is wrong! that's why the bunny is sad.. and the rainbow is happy because it has no clue of whats going on
What I love is that he still got a mark!that teacher rocks!I'll be trying that on my teacher!!
area unit is wrong! that's why the bunny is sad.. and the rainbow is happy because it has no clue of whats going on
Haha...aw...as if they got a tick for that?
lawl he or she got it right. not 2 be sexist, but it was prolly a girl; guys don't usually draw rainbows.
he got a tick!?! I should try that in my next chinese test.
if i ever become a teacher every kid that writes something awesome on there paper gets an A+
that is the best ever.
WHAT A BITCH!!! the kid actually got it wrong and the teacher put a slash through it like most normal people (unfortunately) but in order to seem like the man and post it on this site he made the slash a check mark... u can clearly see the inconsistency with in the "slash" part and the added component that makes it a check.
Easy! 4 times!
A rainbow is fine too.
omg that so hilarious!!! ahahahaahhahahahaha he got full creadit lol
no way! the teacher gave points for that! atleast draw something cool and not that ridiculousness
HAHAHAHA i love teachers with a sense of humour, i know some of my old teachers wouldve ticked that too!!
fucking awesome teacher for counting it right! my math teacher would have given me detintion for that shit...
OMG....I fuckin love bunnies..A+
i did this and got full credit too :D
Lol, now we know every teachers weakness!
the person got a tick because the question was flawed the start with. i think it's missing a square for the triangle. ...err yes...
Why is bunny sad?:( Is it cause iBilly is dead?
wrong answer is right
Spongebob Rainbow...they're telling the teacher to use their inmaaaaaaagination
Lucas, dont even dare to pretend that it was the teacher that put it up.. It was you.. and you ticked it, I was sat next to you.. remember? >
A rainbow is fine too.
a bunny is fine too.
The correct answer is.................. rainbow!
I like eggs?
I actually used this on my homework... But I forgotted the bunny :(
2x+1, bro
You can tell thats just a mark through the question. The check was obviously added later, it's not even the same color.
I've done stuff like that before
This was Rainbow Dash's test.
the area is (2x+5x+2)m^2
h = height triangle area = ((2x+4)*h)/2 ((2x+4)*h)/2 =(2x+5x+2)=(7x+2) (2x+4)*h=14x+4 h=(2x+4)/(14x+4) polynomial gives h = (1/7)+24/(98x+28) Answer: 2x+4-(1/7)-24/(98x+28)
Happy rainbow looks happy