Other's Responses
Suspended for 105 days O.o
At least he didn't say 'The hammer is my penis.'
I didn't know Hammer of Justice had a 105 day cooldown
In case you don't play, that was a reference to a Paladin's spells in World of Warcraft
The other kid was obviously a warlock who forgot to have his felhunter cast Devour magic then Fear spam. Noob.
"Referring staff member: GM"
Oh my god, I can picture some kid running around yelling "HAMMER OF JUSTICE!" and punching some kid in the mouth. Oh, dear, World of Warcraft, how many minds you have warped. xD
That should give him more time to get ahead in the game!
lol. I'm surprised that no one noticed that the referring staff member is written as "GM".
GM could be his innatials.
It's a Fake... the staff member can't be a GM...
I bet that was peter
there was a kid in my school a year ago that would punch people in the gut while yelling "FALCON PUNCH"
Vulgar language? He's a fucking paladin! I would so kill hat teacher in real life, what an asshole.
I forgot "OF"
I'm surprised nobody noticed that they have "Vulgarity" check marked, but he didn't say a single vulgar word.
WORLD OF WARCRAFT OWNS YOU NOOBS! (I can name one retri pala I could slap silly with mah enh shammy >:))
I So Wouldve Used My Avengers Shield XD (Throw A Text Book At People XD)
out of school suspension for 1o5 days...DAMN!!!, here goes my vacation
See, this is why WoW, specifically, is bad for you.
Although funny, this one is definitely a fake. There is no way you get 105 days suspension. And the teacher being "GM" is just too much of a coincidence.
loss of driving priveledge?
pally. your doing it wrong! oh well at least now he has time to learn it right....
Wait, how does a WoW reference count as insubordinated language?
This is definitely fake. look at his suspension! 105 days?! lol
Ahhh! The future of America. Inspirational, isn't it?
2 MAGIC 2 MAGIC 2 MAGIC HAMMER OF JUSTICE BYAHHHHHHHH I so want to do this in my physics class
hoj is against the terms and conditions at that school
Some how I can't believe this is fake... Writing everything that was said (two sentences) and that he punched a kid in the mouth wouldn't be that much more hard than saying "Student was running in the halls shouting and punched a kid in the face"; and it's all that much more damning. As to the severity of the punishment...I could easily see that happening in my school. Wonder what spell he cast on the teacher....^.^
Cooldown is 105 days.
Damn, I always tell those pallys "don't forget your divine shield in the arena!" ...
At least he didn't thought he was Thor...
Wheres the "vulgar language"
Somebody's seen Dr. Horrible! "The hammer is my penis."
I would've used frostbolt by throwing a snowball ^_^
hahahahahahahaha this is just legendary. i want to meet that kid and shake their hand for their tota awesomeness
Khai wins at life...maybe GM is the initials?
it would be expulsion, suspended for the remainder of the school year
Wheres the "vulgar language"
This teacher must really hate paladins to class his behaviour as "vulgar language" :D
Fake as fuck-hole
erm some of you wow guys are idiots...no offence, holy shock and seal of command are on different trees and yet you can get both of them with the right talent distribution...if you wanna call fail on things at least get it right! i so hope GM is the initials of the teacher cuz under a real circumstance i would marry this kid, boy or girl i dont care :P
Omg Dr Horrible reference FTW
Lol he loses his bus privelage and driving license!
Its hammer time
damn Ret pallys >.>
well, i find it funny that he's able to cast Seal of Command, and also cast Holy Shock, when they're on 2 different trees. Nice fail job kiddo. Did he happen to re-roll a Failadin?
grade 10?? wow this kid is wacked xD
Wow what kind of ret paladin has holy shock and what kind of holy paladin spec's into seal of command. This guy was a fucking idiot.
Fake but funny
WTF? He didn't fight!!! He just attacked that boy
i see no vulgar language.
world of warcraft FTW
I love how they thought changing his seat might help XD
Fake as fuck-hole
105 days to level up a deathknight
the teacher remembers to the letter every spell this kid cast, awesome
maybe the punch killed the boy?
~Gamers gota love em...~
"FAKE, look at the crappy handwriting in the comments box. NO teacher writes like that." Yeah they do. Usually, the higher the grade, the less the teacher gives a damn about his/her own handwriting.
this is was WoW will do to you XD
oooh, great Dr. Horrible reference.
gawd such a failadin xD
LOOOOOL classic!! fucking hilarious kid, cant believe how bad he got punished though!!!
No... "bubble hearth"?!?!?!?!
Seal of Command and HAMMER JUSTICE!!!
World of Warcraft is a hell of a drug.
Yeah Paladin-Power!
Well, at least he gets plenty of free time to play WoW. Obviously going through withdrawl.
Could this be anymore Obviously Fake? Thumb this up for Falseness Awareness
Loss of driving privilege? They let kids drive? How old are these kids?
Good Ol' Pally Addict
WoW, literally.
I fell very nerd to know the kid was talking abou World of Warcraft D:
GM is obviously the teacher's initials..
"FAKE, look at the crappy handwriting in the comments box. NO teacher writes like that" actually, my english teacher is like.. HORRIBLE at writing.
lol Dr. Horrible :)
105 days? Wow...That's nearly 100 days!
even in real life ret pallies are overpowered >.>
The n00b kid forgot his trink, thats why he got pwned by Khai
I don't see anything wrong, he's just making the game of Yu Gi Oh a little bit more realistic!!
well, i find it funny that he's able to cast Seal of Command, and also cast Holy Shock, when they're on 2 different trees. Nice fail job kiddo. Did he happen to re-roll a Failadin?
Kid has balls.
um these are supposed to be funny exams this is not an exam its a referal..
its prob patch number 1.0.5 not days!!
Oh crap, a rogue! How did you get behind me? *throws a chair as a hammer at the student behind him*
He just earned 105 days of Warcraft playing time.
lol Hammer Of Justice
I don't get it... WTF is so cool about world of warcraft?! It's 4 nerds w/ no life!
This is fake a 105 day suspension is unrealistic
Buff paladins please, this cooldown is way too long.
world of warcraft has become all to real.....
wait why is vulgar language checked i don't see any vulgar language
Fake as fuck-hole.
Hammer of Justice! LMFAO xD
Dr. Horrible reference!!!!!!! Yeah!
lol reffering staff member : GM lmao
Over a hunred days for a damn puch? Sure it wasn't needed...but wtf?? Lmao! Fuck teachers.
This chaka not examen
Fake as fuck-hole
Should have been OVER 9000 days...
105 days that teacher has something against world of Warcraft
World Of Warcraft ROFLMAO
ok, we got it, it's fake, good work detectives. still hilarious
ROFLMFAO *Punches in the mouth* HAMMAH OF JUSTICE!!! 105 days off school!? Is that even possible!? :O
fake because any self respecting paladin knows that having holy shock and seal of command is infeasible since they are deep into two different talent trees
Neeeeerrrdd Raaaaaggeeee!!!!!!!
Nice to see the person dosen't play too much World of Warcraft!
The teacher could never ever have said it this exact unless he plays WoW himself xD or it's fake idd
apparently gamer jargon is vulgar, so is VOLDEMORT VOLDEMORT VOLDEMORT!!!
Uh mah gaw ahlolololololololololololololololololololololololololololloollolololololololollolo1!O1LO1l GOG GO GOGO GOGOOG GOGOG GOG GEE
Hammer Of Justice LvL: 24 Dmg: 2k cooldown: 105 days I would love this
3 second stun, now quick use a judgement spell then spend 105 days lvling your DK, or bettr yet, reply to my comment and I will give u my 80 fury warr, if u reply say comment to chimtam and I will read it, lol this kid hammered a lvl 40 huntards pet
lol wheres the "vulgar language"?
And so our young hero's quest has ended.. For 105 days.
Damn, I always tell those pallys "don't forget your divine shield in the arena!" ...
well, i find it funny that he's able to cast Seal of Command, and also cast Holy Shock, when they're on 2 different trees. Nice fail job kiddo. Did he happen to re-roll a Failadin?
Protip: GM says you can't do something? Use circular logic! Either you'll end up proving that you can do whatever crazy badass thing you wanted to do, or the GM will just say "fuck it, your stare kills 1000 enemies"
shoulda shouted "FALCON...PAWWWWNNNCCHHH!!!!"
Pretty fake.
'Referring Staff Member: GM'.. lol.
great way to get a vacation. "hammer of justice!!!!"
He was GM hacking, I know it. Damn kids and their GM spells.... on hit kills everytime!
This could have been avoided by casting his holy bubble
Clearly he is practicing shamanism. Kids are out of control these days with this kind of stuff. We need to look at the parents for what they're doing wrong and see if it can be stopped before it ever stars. Shamanism is a searious problem in today's society. Naw. I'm jk. Lol He's a paladin.
People keep saying it's fake because the referring staff member put "GM". Did anyone ever consider that maybe those are the staff members initials? Barely any of my teachers ever signed full names, they were always abbreviated or initialed.
Needs more Reckoning...
GM are obviously the teacher's initials
lol ret pally FTWWWWWWW!!!! lol dont u love wow
Schools with zero tolerance policies are required to write everything down to keep on file. Also required to suspend any student who broke the zero tolerance contract for the number of days the school finds sutible. And it is a pain in the ass...
I misread "Hammer of justice" as "hamster of justice". Hammer makes more sense.
Why does shit like that happen only in the U.S.?
omg please please please tell me he wasnt pretending to be a ret pally...
Retri Pali build with epic set lol....too bad he dint have a priest or shaman for help...he dint have the GM on his side either..sadness...rofl
105 days wtf is this school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE FOOL!!! He should have used Righteous Fury....
Lol what vulgar language
wow that was hilarious....I was laughing in my classroom. I wish i could ret pally damage this fucking dumb ass teacher!
Lmao To the hammer is my penis! Go doctor Horrible!
Vulgar Language lolwut?!
And this is not the hammer.... .... The hammer is my penis.
105 days? I bet you that teacher realised they were pwned by the little kid in the class while playing World of Warcraft!!! Student: Suspended Teacher: PWNED!!!! haha
you can get in shit for smoking :S
Vulgar language?
I would have screamed, "magical missile," run over and punch him in the face, then yelled," I cast the spells that make the people fall down!"
wow....he gets more days OSS than i get during summer vacation.... *runs down a hall and punches a boy in the mouth*
10th Grade LOL!
Thats all u do in order to get 105 days vacation....well shit i'm goin to work early today!
How is this vulgar language...
Wheres the "vulgar language"
GM = Gay man?
The the kid asked for that punch in the mouth. BYATCH BETTER RECODNIZE
I actually laughed so hard
105 days kinda harsh
how the hell did he also get in trouble for vulgar language?
what the fuck kindof a name is khai?
omfg FTW totally. That kid is my new best friend. (:
world of warcraft!
He forgot to bubble to avoid the detention.
JUSTICE SERVED but by boy or teacher?
Referring staff member: GM? O_O
Its good that he got suspended! Filthy Paladin...Maybe he'll get the idea now that PALADINS DONT TANK!!
(Captcha: That Teenager)
At least he doesn't play a rogue.
Lol parental Conference twice
Wheres the "vulgar language"
It's funny because hes probs some 8 yr old with a human pally. No rly if ur under ten that's all you can use. HORDE FTW, 80 fury war 80 bm hunter (sad I no) and my 80 priest, heals ftw
i dont think is fake due to the teacher writing out everything said. When i was in school one of my friends at the time jokingly yelled out that he was going to "tongue-fuck my asshole" a bitch of a teacher overheard and he was written up by her. I saw the slip and it said everything including tongue fuck asshole. he was sent to the principal and she just laughed and let him off.
That teacher has shitty hand writing, you should type what it says below.
well, i find it funny that he's able to cast Seal of Command, and also cast Holy Shock, when they're on 2 different trees. Nice fail job kiddo. Did he happen to re-roll a Failadin?
dude maybe hes was suffering from post world of warcraft syndrome? He can't help it LOL!
Pallys are OP anyways.
well he was not late to class
Yeah, this IS fake. The 105 day suspension is a dead giveaway. Also, the teacher would not have gone to lengths to remember and write down everything this kid would have been saying. A real report would have summed up into "The student was yelling and running around the room, then punched another child." Don't be so gullible.
not a very good job of concealing the name.
ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE DAYS???????????? WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????????????????????? This is fucking fake.
Was he casting a demon on that boy?
Who knew that "Holy Shock" counted as vulgar language?
105 days is most of the shcool year!!!! 175 total. This kid got pwned.
fucking hilarious!!
World of Warcraft IRL FTW!!!!
World Of Warcraft influences...what a shame
Why did he painted his name away, under the note, there stand his name is Khai. Probely hes just gay.
1) hammer of justice! l o efin l 2) someone teach this teacher some fuckin penmenship!
WoW = $15/month, psychiatrist = $150/week, setting yourself up for "the hammer is my penis!!" = priceless
Go WoW kid, go. Azeroth is proud. :')
geez "105 days"
Bus incident ..?
I see no vulgar language here.
The Future President of Douchebagistan!
This kid's is a fail for people like him. I mean, Avenging Wrath was on cd or something? And before being caught by the gm, do you fucking thought of using BUBBLE+HEARTH!?!?!? L2P!!!!
105 day cooldown? They totally nerfed Hammer of Justice.
fucking epic! he brings the hammer of justice!
I would have shouted "I cast Immolate!" and lit him on fire with a Bunsen Burner. >:) Destruction Locks ftw!
paladins are overplayed XD
what the fuck kindof a name is khai
The referring staff member is a GM... I lol'd.
Suspended for 105 days O.o