Other's Responses
lmao. the kid puts 'nigga stole my bike!' in this essay 'by the time Jesus was 3 he mastered the pogo stick (and we all know how hard that damn thing is)'.......?
hahah omg "or when you were born, btw did you go to school with him?" lmao i love this kid
Jesus were out of ammo LOL
Anyone notice that "nigga stole my bike" is perfectly ok, but the fact that black people dont steal scooters is sterotyping??
i didn't know Jesus was born in 1923, or that he had anything to do with the Civil war. man, WTF has my school been teaching me?! apparently my teachers have it all wrong.
37%? So it's 1/3 right?
"they thought Jesus was moding so they joined a new server" - that came out of nowhere awesome.
Nigga stole my bike XD i laughed so hard i was in tears!
haha I love how the teacher pointlessly took the time to add in commas and paragraph breaks, yet they said nothing about the n word? haha and only said "stereotyping?" hmmm the word i had to type into the recaptcha box was "whiteman". I'm sensing a theme here
How did he even get a 37%?
with his last breath he said "warship me" ^.^
37? That's a pretty generous mark.
Absolutely right it was a waste of ink. Why should the teacher put more effort (any) into grading it than the student did writing it (none)?
lmao. 'the people fought for about fifty years, the war finally ended in 2020.'. hahahaha! EPIC
i like how she couldn't spell grammatical ^_^
Where did the 37% come from? The goodness of the teachers heart?
i actually almost cried when it said nigga stole my bike im still laughing while im typing right now hahaha omg legendary
Why is the teachers handwriting similar to that of a typical 8 year olds?
The roaring 20's (ow when you were born, Btw did you go to the school with him?) Lol! The teacher underlined it and didnt understand what btw was so didn't get this person was calling him old...classic.
everybody knows black people don't steal scooters
Roflmao lmao ttmmlollabg
China and Pakistan?! Nigga stole my bike?! Chased him for hours?! No one did anything?! Black people dont steal scooters?! and Jesus learned this "quickly"?! L...M...F...A...O
Lol, how the hell did this kid get 37%? For what?! There isn't a single line that's true in this essay..
"When he turned three he mastered the pogo stick everyone knows how hard that damn thing is." has 2 main subject/verb pairs with no punctuation and is therefore a run-on, not a fragment.
Haha wow the kid has no idea what life is even about
this is crazy. haha lol
Roflmao lmao ttmmlollabg
'So they quit and joined a new server' Ultra win!
I love that the teacher commented on their grammatical errors, but apparently spelled it wrong and had to re write it...lawlzz fail
ha ha funnies thing i ever saw in my life
And he still got 37%. Is there any way to actually get a 0 in this class, short of wiping the paper on your assand handing it straight in?
I love how the teacher just gives up near the end with the comments...
shit, you got 8 classes?
"He sat around for days until someone just told him he could have the government"
HAHAHAHAH btw did you go to school with him? hahahah. This kid has ballls!
Wow,Jesus was even cooler then we thought.
so they quit and joined a differnt server rofl
anyone else think this is just kids marking the exam and not actual teachers
Roflmao lmao ttmmlollabg
diculously hilarious, but i have a sneaky feeling it was faked, the teachers mistakes, handwriting and even crossing out at the end doesnt look like a teachers or adults would. Still WIN though!!!
No way that's 37%. I mean, in university, maybe, but... "The grade will stand as is and is well deserved." How is a 37% ever well deserved?!? How is a 37% even fricking computed? There are no failing marks that accurate on subjectively graded exams. I'd give the guy a 62. At least that's almost a pass.
why does the teacher not know the difference between a sentence fragment and a run-on?
Jesus was modding so Pakistan left his server. XD
teacher actually says "sterotyping"
wow the highest rated comment sucks shit idiots
Was 37% of the score based on being able to write his name?
Ridiculously hilarious, but i have a sneaky feeling it was faked, the teachers mistakes, handwriting and even crossing out at the end doesnt look like a teachers or adults would. Still WIN though!!!
hahaha, i love how the only thing the teacher cares about is what BTW stands out out of that sentence: when you were born BTW did you go to school with him?)
the war ended in 2020... what year are we? :S I'm lost in time and space!!!
hahaha teacher misspelled grammatical and had to re-write while scolding the kid for them.
lmao. the kid puts 'nigga stole my bike!' in this essay 'by the time Jesus was 3 he mastered the pogo stick (and we all know how hard that damn thing is)'.......?
I love how Jesus only had a banana! Haha! Win! XD
period 8?!
BTW did you go to school with him?
LOL: "or when were you born btw? did you go to school with him?"
If i was the teacher id give this guy a 1000000000000000000000%
Marty McFly FTW.
"Jesus was probably the main factor why the Civil war was fought the way it was." isn't a sentence fragment....? xD any who, HILARIOUS! XD
with numerous Grammatical and structural errors...
Jesus is awesome
marty mcfly!!
"you are taking this as a joke" "strucktural errors" "you failed at proving anything" "i need to speek with you" "F"...and he still managed 37%?
I'm surprised he even got credit for this
Did anyone notice that Jesus says "Warship me"???
Jesus was born in the 1920s (Or when you were born. Btw did you go to school with him?) xD
lol "the people thought Jesus was moding so they quit and joined a new server"
it should be stereotyping
The teachers marks are nearly as bad as the actual essay! They misspelled stereotyping.
why was the teacher such a pushover here? what a waste of red ink. A simple, "F" unacceptable would have been enough. MCB
I could imagine a young jesus yelling nigga stole my bike!
"The people thought jesus was modding so they quit and joined a new server" Roflmfao wtf?
I think this paper would have been more funny or seemed more legit if the teacher would have done a better job with correcting the paper and would have had better handwriting...otherwise I'm pretty sure the kid faked this which causes it to be less funny. I think a teacher would know how to spell "stereotyping: correctly, see that the kid spelled "worship" wrong, etc. I didn't find this one funny almost at all... :/
it's "mahalo." Duh! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/Battleship
The Teacher Put Fml Lolz
37? i love how the teacher wrote all over this essay, but instead of giving a 0, the teacher found a few good points to bump up the score to 37
worst teacher ever
The main thing im trying to figure out is how the teacher came up with 37% for this essay???
i actually pissed my pants a lil reading this one
I like how he said they quit and joined a new server
Roflmao lmao ttmmlollabg
Well, at least he Indented.
a black kid stole my bike once i got really mad.. harray for jesus.. He stopped all the black people from stealing bikes. wait weres my bike?????
i loved at the teache pointing out that the F on McFly is wrong.
"They thought jesus was moding so they joined a new server" i rofled so hard im still laughing this kid is an epic win
How the hell did he get a 37 on this! if i were the teacher i would have given it an automatic 0 but im also not as nice. at any rate this was funny as fuck!
Any one else notice that the civil war won't end for another 10 years?
That doesnt look like a teachers handwriting.
Roflmao lmao ttmmlollabg
A man among men.
haahhah they "quit and joined a new server"
he got a 37% because N.I.G.G.E.R.S steal everything
why is noone pointing out that that teacher marked 3 perfectly grammatical sentences (maybe missing a comma, but complete sentences) as frag(ments)?
8th Period!? who the hell could absorb 8 different classes in a day! poor kid's brain is so fried by EIGHTH period they'd think the Civil War was between China and Pakistan
the most shit part is when the boy wrote (or when you were born, btw did you go to school with him?) yes, the boy really did ask the teacher if he/she go to school with jesus,hahah LOL :P
My guess is that he/she got a 37 because the teacher laughed so hard.
shit, you got 8 classes?
This is the funnyest paper to write to a teacher. mines wold flip out. :D i love whoever writed this.
so fake...this guy graded this himself
LOL Show me what you wrote for the new topic.
The teacher spells "grammatical" wrong!
lol...jesus was moding so they switched servers.
the teacher doesn't seem too bright either. he/she marked so many things wrong-- "frag" for run-ons, etc.
Seems like with a bit more seriousness you're able to achieve doctors degree in the US, whensoever this story gives you a third of the maximum score.
i have 9 periods.
"That's like 5 billion miles" for reference, the distance from the Earth to former planet Pluto is only 3 billion miles.
GYAHAHAHAHA! The teacher mispelled "stereotyping!" She put "sterotyping." GYAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! As soon as I saw "Jesus" on the second paragraphed, I just ROFLMAOed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO he was born in the roaring 20s (btw did you go to school with him?).. this kid is great
This is stupid, obviously this is fake. No teacher would have such sloppy writing. The person who wrote this wouldn't have had the balls to turn this in.
I bet even the teacher thought it was kinda funny :D
lol when the teacher wrote that he had grammatical errors she scratched it out...haha----newhooo
thats how you essay jesus
Roflmao lmao ttmmlollabg
37% seems pretty arbitrary here...
Fakest of the fake. The teacher's comments are almost worse than the paper.
Nigga Stole my Bike! YTMND references FTW. Also, Jesus is more awesome than I thought.
This student should have received an "A" for effort.Obviously he put more thought into this than most students put into their work. From a casual glance, the student appears to be far more capable than the instructor who graded this paper.
Teacher: "frag" What?
the awkward moment when the teacher spells grammatical wrong and has to re-write it..
The reason why the teacher put "stereotyping?" when the kid wrote "black people don't steal scooters" is because he expressed that as a representative view for all black people. On the other hand when the kid wrote "**** stole my bike" he was simply alluding to the fact that a black guy stole his bike. He wasn't implying that all black people steal bikes. For example if I say "a white guy stole my car", does that mean all white people steal cars? No, it doesn't.
"Not only was Jesus super cool" Lmfao
That's something that i would put on my fridge
lmfao nigga stole my bike lmfaooo
obviously fake, the guy who typed it also wrote all over it trying to make it look like a teacher's writing, not impressed -.-
lol the teacher didn't even see him spell "worship" wrong.
This student should have received an "A" for effort. Obviously he put a lot more thought into this than many students put into their papers. To a casual observer, the student appears to be more capable than the instructor who graded this paper.
Teacher said: "you failed" I say: EPIC WIN
haha they thought he was modding
I love how it's like the teacher's sanity deteriorates along the way. xD
"All Jesus had was a banana, and 15 seconds later, developed an atom bomb, and dropped it on Pakistan and killed a lot of people." Haha, awesome
ha ha 'warship me'
I like how the teacher obviously messed up the word "grammatical."
this is fake, look at the handwriting. teachers' handwriting contrasts with their students'. even 'stereotyping' on the right margin is spelled wrong. LAME ASS
No wonder he didn't take the paper seriously, I'd pissed too if i had an 8th period.
'along with numerous grammatical issues' what i like is that the teacher cant even spell either
omg this is just.... i was ROFL, literally.
nigga fuck shit bitch
as you can clearly see he has faken this essay
"Once the war was over Jesus was hit by a car and with his last breath said, "warship me" and died." Pretty accurate.
"the civil war was b/w China and Pakistan"
Love it :) x
The History Channel lied to me...
that teacher is a retard. the civil war wasn't started cuz of slaves. it was started cuz of the confederacy ceding from the union
"8th Period!? who the hell could absorb 8 different classes in a day! poor kid's brain is so fried by EIGHTH period they'd think the Civil War was between China and Pakistan" 1,3,5,7 one day 2,4,6,8 the next
That teacher is a frag whore.
Roflmao lmao ttmmlollabg
I liek how the teacher spelled grammatical wrong. Irony win?
I like how when the teacher was writing her comments, she spelt "grammatical" wrong.
"Warship me!" Anyone else picture Jesus as a warship now?
I love how she didnt correct the "nigga stole my bike" line. lol
This seems extremely fake. I understand that not all teachers have the best handwriting but even the comment at the bottoms seems adolescent.
Jesus? moding...?
lol "btw did u go to school w/ him?" hahahaha
They thought Jesus was moding so they quit and joined a new server! XD Priceless, look out chemistry teachers! I'm gonna copy him!
I love that he had a typo and had to erase the word "Grammatical" in "grammatical error".
lulz he got a 37% so what part was right?
So Jesus died in 2020... as did the practically obsolete Civil War of the future/past that is completely non-fiction
you gotta wonder, what the hell was he smoking when he wrote this paper?
The person who said 'i didn't know Jesus was born in 1923, or that he had anything to do with the Civil war. man, WTF has my school been teaching me?! apparently my teachers have it all wrong.' Damn , Im serious dont talk to me like do you have mental issues ? Your fuckiing retarded as balls -_-.
"As one can tell you seemed to have taken this as a joke." NO SHIT, SHERLOCK.
"warship me! " haha
lmao. the kid puts 'nigga stole my bike!' in this essay 'by the time Jesus was 3 he mastered the pogo stick (and we all know how hard that damn thing is)'.......?