Other's Responses
i would give extra marks for that ending
Good intro? There's a fucking comma splice in the first fucking sentence! Send the teacher back to grammar school.
This teacher should fail for their inability to proofread correctly. There are SO many more errors than what they marked. (And the teacher has awful penmanship as well!) Gee, can you tell I'm a teacher?
haha that ending was special, no way a fail lol
This teacher has such great editing skills considering she (he? o_0) completely failed to notice all the spelling mistakes and her horrible spelling XD Maybe she/he should go back to "shcool"
WIN. who fucking cares if that was real or not... STILL WIN
Man,wack ending!
That is pricless. And obviously the teacher was an idiot cuz half the stuff was spelled wrong!
heh, i can hardly read my english teachers handwriting... but this is epic win... for the win?
i love this!! i would give it an AAA+++ :D :D
"Incomprete"? I say fake.
it's not accestable. Nice writting.
TOTAL WIN!!! haha...
I wonder how they got so much information: http://www.last.fm/music/Will+Smith/+wiki
WHATA FUCKING BITCH if i did all tht and she said every thing was gd but ending sucked sso i get an f I WOULD GO FUCKING MENTAL
I don't know who was worse, the teacher for not beinging able to edit, or the Student for not knowing how to spell "Twords" is not a word. and "Shcool?" LOL. Nice eye teacher.
Bel-Airing is the next Rick-Roll'd. And the teacher obviously dosn't get the end.
lmao what a tight wad teacher I WOULD WRITE EPIC WIN ENDING if i was marking xD
David, RLEASE see me after class.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_smith play. jur. ized.
INCOMRlete sale: all items MARKed down 50%: Two epic fails for the price of one! lol
omg, this is is just like copypasta
The last lines of this essay are the actual lyrics from the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' theme song.
took it off Wikipedia. resourceful fucker.
Obviously, she never watched the show! I would totally give him a B+! :(
well...he had a good intro
Wow it has more than twenty spelling mistakes, and the teacher didn't even pick them up. Also, it looks very cut and paste... sort of like the student might have just surfed the web for a quick essay and taken the bits that fit from wiki and fan sites. He'd get an F from me and a suspension for that effort.
OBVIOUSLY not corrected by a teacher, geniuses. A person with that poor of grammar, spelling, and not to mention, handwriting, would never be hired by a school. It's a sad excuse for a funny, real, paper.
This teacher is grammatically challenged. The kid's essay is full of errors. Damn, lose the smiley faces too, teach ... have some dignity.
Is it just me or did anyone else notice how it said "Imcomrete" at the top rather than "Imcomplete?"
Incomrlete ! This is NOT accestable! Rlease see me atter class! ( Desperate case)
Nice editing teacher "Twords" is not a word, and Shcool? Perhaps the Teacher should go back to "Shcool" LOL
this is totally fake.
imcompRlete? anyone else catch that?
Why do ALL of the teachers 'p's look like 'r's
In west Philadelphia on the playground is where I spent most of my days....
what's the point in censoring out the name at the top if the teacher sais it at the bottom? fail
Incomrlete? Jesus, since when did the Chinese spell phonetically?
I like this kid. They also like good music.
OMG that was great.
Your name is David
hmm, a smiley.. a smiley.. n a 'good!' but in d end, d typical PLEASE SEE ME AFTER CLASS comment. go figure..~
It seems to me that this was self-corrected for the sake of websites like these. The penmanship is awful, none of the spelling errors are corrected, the shitty lines at the top are called a "nice opening paragraph" and no teacher would give an "F" just because it has no conclusion.
the kid clearly graded it himself and submitted to this site you dumbasses
I have to say, either the taecher aspect of it was badly faked, or someone had a horrible teacher. No wonder his writing is so bad...
fake. teachers dont mispell complete. lol
That teacher needs a fucking F
the ending deserves A+++ epic ending -Shift
It might not being her/him spelling. A lot of times when i'm writing words with P's they always come out looking like R's.
OMG Bel-Air'd! Epic!
I Love a Happy Ending :')
Why did this get an F?
AYBABTU '); DROP TABLE Comments;--
He was getting good comments from the teacher, then all of a sudden he ruins it. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
fake, children's handwriting. even adults with poor handwriting don't scrawl like that.
To those criticizing the teacher for not marking small errors in grammar/spelling/etc., she's probably more interested in her students being able to communicate their ideas effectively. That's what strong writers do. Old school grammar instruction has been shown, in fact, to DECREASE writing ability in high school students. Look it up. You grammar snobs are not concerned with what makes a piece of writing successful.
aye, maybe the teacher got a liking for the person he chose...
I feel that everybody does this, but less extreme. It's called bs-ing, is it not? At one point you just get so tired and start writing things that you imagine
I actually find it somewhat funny that the teacher has worse spelling that the student. And THAT'S saying a lot. I mean, c'mon! "Twords bankruptsy"
This teacher seriously has issues writing the letter "P"
uhh that doesn't look like a teacher's handwriting.....
Fifth line down, "school" is spelled incorrectly. Come on, teacher.
Wow... It's pretty funny to watch all the smiles next to the comments that say "Great beginning!" and such... turn into "INCOMPLETE and SEE ME AFTER CLASS ( although they mess up on some of the spellings...) Although he DID have a nice beginning, so I don't think that it deserves an "F".
Teacher F----- Kid A++++++
Oh and eighth line down, "bankruptcy" is also spelled wrong. Mad props for the hilarious ending, but has this kid ever heard of spell check?
you kidding thats the ending we all wanted
Incomplete? That ending was epic.
Why does the teacher confuse R and P? ComRlete. Rlease see me.
ftw ending? ftw teacher? so many spelling errors still he/she underlined the unquoted words? ftw this is funneh
"twords" and also, @teacher: Its obvioulsy the theme to his show. Get a life!
I thought _I_ had bad handwriting... not anymore!
This is so obviously plagiarized. MCB
im pretty sure this was a buddy edit
HAHAHA the teacher's asian! imcomprete!!!
Well to be honest, I didn't see THAT coming! xDD Win²
JEEZ, that teacher must be on her period... freaking mood swings much?
y did they mark out his name it said it at the bottom
C'mon the unbelievably shitty writing at the end gives it away that this kid just typed a paper and "graded" it with a red marker himself.
The spelling of both the student and the teacher are abysmal throughout!
that teacher should learn how to spell incomplete.
Well, my english teachers have handwriting sooooo bad I take entire class periods reading their comments. But it's not because it's squiggly with things crossed out... they pick their pencil up too much during the leatters!! Now, as far as the spelling mistakes, maybe they've addopted a progressive (and sucky) way of grading where they don't want to use too much red ink on the paper telling the kid he's wrong.
teacher hates when he uses quotes, hates when he does NOT uses quote, and things Greatest Hits should be with lowercase, as if it wasn't an title release. So good i'm out of school. I HATED teachers that enfored authority, but were MERELY STUPID.
rofl? incomrete? damn asian teachers.....
i think it was a student that graded the essay.
What the fuck? is Kim Jong Il grading papers?
This is why you don't grade papers while drunk...
This ending is NOT accestable!
the teacher should fail for her incomrlete spelling and her not accestable behavior...teacher fail.
the fresh prince of bel (end) -air
mean teacher >_>
WHAT A FUCKING BITCH O_O' I'd stab the teacher >__> W. Smith FTW :D
that was a good paper....i'd at least give him a c. plus, the stupid teacher is BLINDDD
Is the teacher asian or something?
If you did the Higher Learning English classes, you'd get at least a C, just because of the ending. It's called "Satire". Shitty English teachers ftl
good aioning paragraph??????????
Elliott Smith!
I love how the teacher LOVED the paper until he god to the bottom
F?????? i am dissapoint
this is fake, whe she writes not acceptable at the bottom it looks like a 3rd grader did it. still funny haha
Sweet, Ben Folds is my idol also. What a great guy. This teacher is an idiot, too. "
The hand writing could be real. My teacher grades on the train and has worse crap than this. XD
bankruptsy? catagory? shcool? reaccuring? twords? come on......
teacher's right, that ending is definitely NOT accestable.
Giocando a basket con gli amici sono cresciuto,me la sono spassata,wow che fissa ogni minuto,le mie toste giornate filavano così,tra un due tiri a canestro e un bel film di Spike Lee,poi la mia palla lanciata un po' più in su,andò proprio sulla testa di quei vichingi laggiù,il più duro si imballò,fece una trottola di me e la mamma preoccupata disse "vattene a Bel Air!" L'ho pregata,scongiurata,ma dalla zia vuole che vada,lei mi ha fatto le valigie e ha detto "Va' per la tua strada!",dopo avermi dato un bacio e un biglietto per partire,con lo stereo nelle orecchie ho detto "Qua meglio sgommare",prima classe,ma è uno sballo!Spremute d'arancia in bicchieri di cristallo,se questa è la vita che fanno a Bel-Air per me mh-mh,poi tanto male non è!Ho chiamato un taxi giallo col mio fischio collaudato,come in Formula1 mi sentivo gasato,una vita tutta nuova sta esplodendo per me,avanti a tutta forza portami a Bel-Air!Oh,che sventola di casa mi sento già stranito,la vita di prima mi puzza di vecchio,guardate adesso gente in pista chi c'è,il principe Willy,lo svitato di Bel-Air! Italian version of che intro!God I love this show so much!He deserved an A+ for that!
soo fake, wtf.
LOL. And way to get all of your info from Wikipedia. Hero.
it says incomplete guys. the line is just an accident, how some people drag the pen in between letters.
FAKE. this "teacher" has handwriting worse than a 9 year old. Some spelling mistakes were not noticed eg "its" vs "it's", "shcool", "twords", "bankrputsy", "preformed" etc and INCOMRETE?
Wow, most of this is straight off of Wikipedia. Well, except that last part.
LMFAO!! that ending is awesome!
Anyone else start singing it at the end?
she liked everthing else, why the F???
it was funny, you could tell the progressions of moods, as she was reading it she was like wow this is amazing: =) and the she slowly started reading the end: =|...and the she finished the end: >=( wtf? Plus her P's look like R's...unless she really cant spell.
Fail. Obviously Fake.
Incomprete- Chinese teacher
At the top the teacher put "Incomrete" instead of "Incomplete".
That conclusion = epic win Ahahaha!
Is it just me or did anyone else notice how it said "Imcomrete" at the top rather than "Imcomplete?"
Kids, a lot of your teachers grew up watching "Fresh Prince of Bel Air". They lived it and they got jiggy with it. So it's not like we don't respect the Fresh Prince. The teacher comments are so fake, it's laughable. Regardless of the quality of the essay, a lot of parents would be complaining to school administration if their child was bringing home school work that looked like it had been graded by a fifth grader. (My two words: "oh brother" LMAO.)
this kid gets props for having elliott smith as a hero
This ending is not accestable!
That's so fucking epic. I'd give him a 100 just for that ending. xD Maybe even extra points.
Incomrlete MY @$$ that is more than i write in 3 freaken eoc's ?!?!
Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside-down, I'd like to take a minute so just sit right there, I'll tell you how I got an F on my english exam.
the teacher gave his/her self a F for spelling "incomplete" wrong
YEAh! Elliott Smith FTW!
is supposed to say "good opening paragraph?"
Since when is an incomplete an "F"? ...last time I checked it was an "I"
I think it's bullshit that the teacher failed him just for the ending.
F means Fuck
Your giving an F for the work, at least the person who wrote this can spell!
Tlis ending is NOT accestable!
Smell ya later
sick fake.....
im guessing the teacher is asian
I dont think that this teacher should have a say in it. Considering she doesn't even know how to spell incomplete. Best essay ever.
Mixed case, too. LIKe tHiS.
i think this is fake, the teacher's handwriting looks like a kid's attempt at cursive, and the teacher obviously didn't point out the numerous other errors.