Other's Responses
I must say, this is not a horribly written piece. i honestly do not know why this obtained a 0. Yes, this may be gross; however, this is college and college must deal with very broad subjects to be well diversed in education and learning. The person was very brief and needed to explain more in the first paragraph, other than this, i do not see a failing grade in this paper. lol this is fucking amazing.
I'm pretty sure a teacher would know how to spell the word "appropriate".
If the teacher saw 2girls1cup, this would get a 100% no doubt.
well its really gross, but i would give it extra credit for having the balls to watch the video AND write a report on it!!! its well done, too XD
had guts to hand this in................brilliant
Why would this get a 0? It's a well-written essay.
That teacher seems like a bit of a stiff. This piece really wasn't bad at all, but the professor couldn't stop with the "WAAAH this is inappropriate!" bullshit.
I watched this video. I never saw it as a breakthrough for lesbian sexuality. It was just disgustingly gross and vile. This kid is apparently extremely good at pulling shit out of his ass (no pun intended). Props.
"Explain More" Well, wouldn't you like to know!!!!
This 'paper' appears loads of times on this site, each time with different 'teacher comments'. odd that so many students handed in the exact same paper.....
Well I think the writer jumps from one point to another to quickly. without proper connections so one who deson't know what she or he writes about, the exam material will be confusing and shattered in details.
What the? hahaha! lol!
2 Girls 1 Cup FTW!
I watched this video. I never saw it as a breakthrough for lesbian sexuality. It was just disgustingly gross and vile. This kid is apparently extremely good at pulling shit out of his ass (no pun intended). Props.
I watched this video. I never saw it as a breakthrough for lesbian sexuality. It was just disgustingly gross and vile. This kid is apparently extremely good at pulling shit out of his ass (no pun intended). Props.
This reminds me of the time I bought in a Playboy for show and tell.
I don't know... For my money, irregardless of the subject matter, his paper is horseshit. He gives no references to a cup being "An inverted phallus...an overarching symbol of feminine spirituality." So citizen cane or 2 girls 1 cup, he gets a zero.
"I must say, this is not a horribly written piece. i honestly do not know why this obtained a 0. Yes, this may be gross; however, this is college and college must deal with very broad subjects to be well diversed in education and learning. The person was very brief and needed to explain more in the first paragraph, other than this, i do not see a failing grade in this paper. lol this is fucking amazing." <<<<<< THEN I WILL VOTE YOU FOR MY NEXT PRESIDENT
Would have gotten a 100 if it was psychology....
A. This guy is dillusional the whole thing was innappropriate not just the last two paragraphs haha. B. The fact that the professor wants him to "explain more" is a little disturbing.
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Well, the fact of the matter is that the student reviewed a trailer instead of a film. "2 girls 1 cup" is the trailer for a coprophagia film called /Hungry Bitches/.
I think this essay needs more detail - like the fact that the music, "Lovers' Theme," was written by Herve Roy, who wrote the score for French movie Emanuelle, in 1992!
Poor kid can't even spell appropriate right. Tsk tsk tsk...
shows how intelligent the teacher is. INNAPPROPIATE OR NOT, education is education!
We have a winnar 8D
very eloquent and properly summarized imo...
why did this get a 0? a) it's not a REVIEW (it looks to be more a cross between a commentary and analysis), and b) it makes a lot of mistakes (pornography isn't a genre...)
to whoever said this -> "I watched this video. I never saw it as a breakthrough for lesbian sexuality. It was just disgustingly gross and vile. This kid is apparently extremely good at pulling **** out of his ass (no pun intended). Props." the author of the essey is obviously female! There is no him at subject!
Come on...I mean this is hilarious, but it's fake. The "grader" spelled "appropriate" wrong. And on half of these the teacher's handwriting looks like a second grader's.
The teacher spelled "appropriate" wrong.
imagine how many times he had to watch he video to make such a precise Report. respect.
hmm the comment 3 lines above mine said that a paper dated 2007 happened in 1998. Interesting...
I heard Roger Ebert gave this a 2 thumbs 1 up
that kid was clearly highly intelligent
well written, and whoever wrote it obviously had guts to watch the video and hand the paper in to the teacher
What was that kid thinking?
I just see a guy masturbating. No wait, that's just my reflection in the monitor...
i like how the teacher underlinds words like "pornographic" and "phallus" as if she doesnt know what they mean
I dont know whats more disgusting, the actual video, or this masterful description of it.
this is fucking stupid and clearly this is graded by a kid not a teacher
We have some amazing writers out there. \m/
this dude has BALLS,, i wound't even dare to write an essay about 2girls1cup XD
Why does everyone keep repeating the comment about the guy pulling shit out of his ass.
HAHAHAHHA . perfect.
Wow, can't believe everyone is so impressed by his paper. So he's a good writer. Doesn't change the fact that what the writer says says is absolute, total, and complete stupidity. Two girls are drinking crap, and the writer's going to try and somehow make it a case for feminism and lesbians? Something tells me the writer has been drinking crap because it's leaking out of his mouth and from his fingers onto the paper.
The flaw with this is that 2girls1cup is a trailer for a porn movie, not a movie in itself.
LAWL LAWL LAWL - if this was really handed in for real... thats crazy lmaooo
Citation needed.
Not only was the genre puke-worthy the essay itself sucked! It doesn't matter if a college student wrote it. I've seen high school papers written with more substance!
Obviously the kid is joking He doesn't care what he gets on the paper (if the teacher's comments are even real) and is just trying, and succeeding, to be hilarious.
How is this a fail? If you can write a semi-elegant paper about a piece of Brazilian scat porn, that is a WIN, motherfucker. A win.
That teacher is dumb "Phallus?" "WHAT?" SHe obviously has never read literature or analyzed it Freudianly!
Oh mah gawd
She moves in mysterious ways?
HUH? WHAT? Not appropriate-
WOW..just plain amazing!
Firstly, there's a second page... I want to see it. Secondly, while not deserving a 0% I would probably fail it too... Rather than commenting on it on a timeline of the video, he should have organised it into thematics and expounded on each point using evidence from the whole video.
Yay! The Derrida/Lacan coprophilic orgy! Nom!
I like how the professor was actually grading it, with the "explain more" comment, until he realized what was going on. Hilarious.
@ I'm pretty sure a teacher would know how to spell the word "appropriate." Some teachers would but not all. Appropriate is a weird word to spell (not for me, I'm an ace at spelling) but some teachers are morons.
tbh that was beautifully written, and much better than the sickly original video version that made so many feel sick
@"Oh I remember this. It’s quite old – happened about 1998".. That's bullshit! It's a perfect description of what's actually happening in the "2 Girls, 1 Cup" movie which was shot waaaaaay after 1998.
I watched this video. I never saw it as a breakthrough for lesbian sexuality. It was just disgustingly gross and vile. This kid is apparently extremely good at pulling shit out of his ass (no pun intended). Definite props.
I love how you can see the point where the teacher goes "WHAAT?!?!?!"
u bet ur ass this isnt a badly writtern piece. references to Bakhtin, Femisnism and other postmodern studies, anyone who's studied art theory will know this person knew what he/she was writing...
@>@"Oh I remember this. It’s quite old – happened about 1998".. That's bullshit! It's a perfect description of what's actually happening in the "2 Girls, 1 Cup" movie which was shot waaaaaay after 1998. Does it even matter when it was shot? Schools are still doing Romeo and Juliet for fuck sake... as overrated of a play that may be. The guy who wrote this is very talented, however. It shouldn't matter since it is in college, and they study worse shit than 2Girls 1Cup in Criminology and Forensics related classes.
Who ever has the balls to turn that in is my hero. LOL man.
If the teacher didn't want a review of porn, he/she should specifically have told the students "NO PORN".
It's hilarious, but horribly written. I mean the guy uses parentheses!
I bet the teacher wanted them to 'explain more'.
That is epic. LOL
that's not the end of it! if you look harder (thats what she said) you can see words on the back!
i didnt knw this was porn
This is the perfect example of "doing it right."
An hero.
I watched this video. I never saw it as a breakthrough for lesbian sexuality. It was just disgustingly gross and vile. This kid is apparently extremely good at pulling shit out of his ass (no pun intended). Props.
I'm pretty sure this is fake, at least to some extent. Few teachers would really give a paper a zero unless it wasn't even turned in and few teachers would just make comments like "huh". Many college professors wouldn't even accept it.
This is brilliant satire of snobby literature analysis and art reviews.
too lazy to read the comment before mine
It's even wrose written up.
Oooh... I saw 2girls1cup... I may never be the same again.
This kid needs a donut. Stat.
this is seriously a well written essay.VERY FUNNY HAHA
He probably didn't watched 2girls1cup
wow. that was really well written!
Yeah this may be gross but it's not that bad. I don't think it deserved a 0, the student put a lot of effort into it it seems. The prof may not have liked the interpretation, but I don't think it deserved a 0. I haven't seen the film though.
The gentle piano concerto will continue as the cup is suddenly and ironically filled with a steaming shot of fecal matter from the anus of our primary character.
Puta. Ok ah.
LAWL LAWL LAWL - if this was really handed in for real... thats crazy lmaooo
This is the ultimate form of sarcasm.
Imagine how many times he had to watch that video to write this paper.
THIS IS SO RIDICULOUSLY FAKE i cant believe you guys are falling for it
This was horrible writing. It sounds sophisticated and well thought out, but its just a bunch of fluff. Terrible writing.
2Girls1Cup!!? LOLOLOLOLOL You have balls, kid!
Obviously the kid is joking He doesn't care what he gets on the paper (if the teacher's comments are even real) and is just trying, and succeeding, to be hilarious.
it does kinda piss me off that he got a 0%. This paper is the shit (no pun intended)
It may have achieved a 0 because it did not fill any criteria...it isn't written badly though
F*ck that guy can write
I think this guy was series when he wrote it. Not sure though
lol...Explain More... >:D
even though this is a highly inappropriate topic to be writing about for school, this is a very well written essay, and if the teacher were to look past the vulgarity of the topic, they would have seen that. Also OMFG OMFG OH EM EFF GEE!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMFAOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH EM GIZZEL!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe someone actually wrote a paper on 2 girls 1 cup, that takes some serious balls. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
it is obvious that teacher doesnt know a shit about 2girls1cup.. this guy should have typed a link to the exam paper
probably the teacher watched the 2girls1cup thing. let's wait for her reaction...
This didn't happen. Oh man, I think I just had a seizure from this. Maybe it did happen. This dude is dude of the week.
apropriate? isnt is appropriate?...
He was obviously set an assignment to do a short film report and he chose 2 Girls 1 Cup. He then wrote a perfectly good and descriptive essay on the film. As long as he did that the film shouldn't have made any difference.
I must know who wrote this! This guy is my fucking hero!
The funny thing is, this is a very intelligently written piece of work :L they could easily have passed
Actually it is a very poorly written paper. I see his major flaw being that he wrote it as if the audience has seen the video in question. A better approach would have been to actually have a solid thesis statement. Shoddy writing at best.
actually this did happen. at my school actually. in australia melbourne. i even have the same teacher, checked the writting of this peice with the ones that she has marked for me. and the hand writting seems to be the same.
I think whoever marked this a zero is a sad lonely 60-yr-old virgin who has never done pr0n
He must've seen the video enough to be able to analyze it in that manner...
''any hope for redemption has been lost''
I have to say this kid is an amazing writer. He wrote a full review and deserves half credit for writing it.
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The tone of this paper was more academic than many. Choosing words like "phallus" and "fecal" are more than appropriate for academic discourse on a video such as that one. It is almost parodic of this genre of scholarship.
1. The Teacher read the Text 2. The Teacher used Google to find 2girls1cup 3. The Teacher is goin to barf 4. BAM 0% :D
HAHA, you said "Anus"!
I must say, this is not a horribly written piece. i honestly do not know why this obtained a 0. Yes, this may be gross; however, this is college and college must deal with very broad subjects to be well diversed in education and learning. The person was very brief and needed to explain more in the first paragraph, other than this, i do not see a failing grade in this paper. lol this is fucking amazing.