Other's Responses
He had it going til the end...
"or some shit like that" lol
HAHA Funny, but could be faked or some shit like that
What's the half point for? The fact he correctly put a sentence together?
this seriously could be a girl, i did shit like this on my exams. haa classic :)
"0.5, or some shit like that"
holy shit this is gold
Might be that the whole thing was worth a point. My teacher used to ask extra credit questions that were added onto our final grade.
oh well at least he got a 0.5 for bringing it that far..hahaha..good job!! =p
bad teaching system.. the answer is SPEAK UP! and he got 0.5 for SPEAKING UP..
I like turtles
Hrmm, your answer WAS good, but you said shit so .5 MINUS OFF
you know.. or some shit like that
i loved the fact that he wrote it so casually XD
Why did the teacher write OiL
Would have earned full credit if they had worked in an acceptable PC phrase such as "like global warming" at the end.
Sooooo... Not some shit like that?
well he is correct...stingee teacher
When you don't feel like analyzing a quotation like that, bsing by tossing in social awareness always works for me :). Works for thesis statements in essays too.
Hrmm, your answer WAS good, but you said shit so .5 MINUS OFF
so close...
20 bucks says that was an SAT prompt
hahaha i laughed. :3
Ouch, too casual there.
if i was that teacher i wouldve given him an extra point for nads, or some shit like that. recaptcha "york's amputate" they do?
Timed write gone wrong.
Why do u refer all the time to a "HE"...couldn't it have been written by a girl? come on...
wow take out the last five words and he would have gotten an a
He takes it just that little bit further ,
I usually put "or something like that" at the end of answers I don't know, but I never go that far. Kid's got balls. And holy fucking shit, my recaptcha words are "score" and "thrust." Oohhh yeeahh..
I used to add stuff like that at the end of sentences when i was in school. luckily the teacher ihad at the time was cool.
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why cross it out. it's fuckin funny
eco fearsome are my recaptcha words the econemy is fearsome for doing some shit like that.
(gasp) You got it ! You got it ! You got...... FAIL!
Why did the teacher write OiL
To the person at the bottom of the comments: Actually, you can subtract 5 from 0. You get -5.
that sounds like my answer.
He had it going til the end...