Other's Responses
Wow... i would so get a detention for that ALL THE TIME!!!
45 minutes of detention for "that's what she said"? That's mean...
Guarantee the parents laugh at the detention slip. School is just daycare for teenagers to them.
teachers are such ass's
thats what she said.
What the fuck? Detention blanks? Is America THAT fucked? Welcome to Vogsphere.
they have a check box for PDA? hahahaha
My TEACHER said that in class!!! (ok...it was accidental...but still...) student: "California" teacher: "that's incorrect" different student: "California" teacher: "That's what she said"
haha ive sad that in class
not accepting "no" is a violation? i was always taught to never take no as an answer
LOL the next time I say "That's what she said" in my Geo class, I'm getting sent down to the office =0
Haha can't help to think how primitive America is for putting teenagers into detention
I got detention for telling somone (After they stole my phone) to "Give me my f**king phone back you stealing piece of shit"
lmaoo he wrote BS as the student initials on the bottom left!
omg they got to wear uniforms and cant chew gum?? that suck must suck!
Points to the frood mentioning Vogsphere. You, my foulmouthed sir, know where your towel is.
Why didn't the teacher check "Innapropriate language"?
I wasnt aware that there was a proper way to disagree......
My mom just said, "you better watch what you say in school." cus thats me, ROFL.
Next time teachers, get your common sense right.
I'm sorry, I'm not a native speaker, but I can understand English well enough, but I can't get why is this student got the denetion for this phrase: "that's what she said"? I read all the comments and stil, I didn't get it :( Can anybody please explain it to me. Thanks
That really gets annoying. Hahah! My recaptcha words are: "source" and "said"!
HMMMM... Harsh detentions, im in highschool, and our afterschool detentions are only 45 mins.
"Disrespect (minor)"? Wait, what? Who on Earth did he disrespect when he said that joke?
Lucky the teacher didn't throw a book at his head! Guess I went to school in the stone age, when we actually tried to avoid pissing off the teachers.
wow, the paper's crumpled
lol shit im guessing this is a private school since it has a uniform
LAWL the student signature is BS
I have gotten detention for this
by public i meant private, i go to a public school...
ok, so he gets a "disrespect (minor)" but not an "inapropriate language"??? wtf?!?!?!
My chem teacher said that before. xD She was the best teacher ever.
HAHA Awesome.
hehe, i got one for saying that after she asked me if i was done yet
"there are two disruptive (minor)s on the form. that school is stupid" No, you're stupid since you can't read. One is "Disruptive (minor)" and the other is "Disrespect (minor)"!!
i got three days detention for saying that....i dont even go to a public school i feel this guy....but it was soo worth it x]
Respect is earned, not given.
i would get it all the time too.
i said that in school because my teacher sprayed 409 on my neighbors desk and he said god it got all over my face but that teach is a bitch
How can a 45 minute detention last from 3:15 to 6:15?
WTF? In our school that phase is used so much that its just a funny matter... D:
lmbo..he wins
omg!!!this so happened to me!!! someone said, "wow that thing is huge" referring to a math problem written out on the board, and i couldn't resist
oh, COME ON! it was RIGHT THERE!!!
School exists to make fun of it. Simple fact. Parents and teachers stopped understanding.
Dude, I say "that's what she said" all the time and never get in trouble. This teacher's a total cunt. And why the fuck do I keep getting numbers for my recaptcha?
"Not accepting no" is an option? "No means no"... with a teacher...
How can you get in trouble for "not disagreeing appropriatley". Surely you aren't allowed to disagree with a teacher... ever!!
Let's kill this Ms. Friedrichs, bitch.
i got detention for saying that
That's totally what she said.
"Can it be THAT big" "Yeas mi son, that's the new world record"
you guys are f***** up
that IS what she said
exactly why children should not be allowed to watch tv. or movies. or read. or commingle.
pink sheets at my school are for more serious things i got a pink sheet for punching this kids face repeatedly after he punched the back of my head for sum stupid reason. he didnt though... this was in class...
that sounds like something i would do hahahaha!
that doesn't make sense, they couldve been talking about so many other things besides that
hahaah the initials are BJ
u can never do that too often...thats what she said
thats a bit harsh
We say that all the time at my school. "I'm sorry, I'm not a native speaker, but I can understand English well enough, but I can't get why is this student got the denetion for this phrase: "that's what she said"? I read all the comments and stil, I didn't get it :( Can anybody please explain it to me. Thanks" Its a derogartory thing. It's implying that the person said something sexual, because the chick they fucked said that last night. Welcome :)
that's so not cool.
I'm pretty sure this is Michael Scott's detention notification.
but like a year ago OMG!!! I have A FRIEND THAT In his cell he has that as a ringtone and almost after everyhting that the teacher said he put it he didn't get in trouble bc he no one snitched
that happened to my friend
Lucky the teacher didn't throw a book at his head! Guess I went to school in the stone age, when we actually tried to avoid pissing off the teachers.
These inappropriate comments are made too often
what a bitch, i make that joke daily and my teachers just laugh. ms friederichewjfbfd needs to retrieve her anal stick
Love how this is so fake. Not even going to insult your intelligence by pointing out all of the reasons, they are staring you in the face.
that paper looks familiar, i think i got it 4 or 5 times in 7 grades lulz
Hey my teacher once gave me a detention for smiling at him. I hate that bastard
WTF? "Disrespect"? The teacher must be one of those crazy feminists who get offended at any joke involving a female, regardless of whether it's sexist or not >.>
there are two disruptive (minor)s on the form. that school is stupid
Vogsphere? Wait, that's douglas adams speaking! Hello, dead man!
Who gives a detention for this "inappropriate" sayins
In my grade 12 chemistry class this cute girl was demonstrating a breathalyzer - she blew into it and the light which signals a blow (alcoholic or not) didn't come on. The guy in the front says "if it's not working, you have to blow harder"; guy beside him: "that's what she said" - everyone in the room started laughing and the teacher almost started laughing too
i hate how its a fucking rule to be respectful
this is probably from a Secondary School, as it mentions the Uniform Violations, and Secondary Schools have extreme rules, especially PDA
I said INCEST IS THE BEST! in class and even the teacher laughed =P
what a prick teacher. kids in my school do this all the time.
Would it not be risruptive, no disrespectful? who is that comment disrespectful towards, the "she"?
Now I have a life sentence.....
Not accepting "no"
The student's name is 8========D?
I´ve got a friend in my school who says that at least twice every minute, and he doesn´t even get a bad look from our teachers... Fuck-merica
wow i didnt know you could get a detention for disagreeing inappropriately or not accepting no.
I'm sorry, I'm not a native speaker, but I can understand English well enough, but I can't get why is this student got the denetion for this phrase: "that's what she said"? I read all the comments and stil, I didn't get it :( Can anybody please explain it to me. Thanks
Wow... i would so get a detention for that ALL THE TIME!!!