Other's Responses
The only thing better than the brutal honesty? The fact that the teacher accepted it as valid. WIN.
True, most kids don't want to be molested. I'd say at least 8/10.
Pedobear approves.
The greatest thing about R.E - anything's right so long as you say why.
I just love how, with a single mention of any religion at all, suddenly the whole comments section erupts into a flame war.
How come the kid only got 4 points instead of 5? This must be a Sunday school test.
Fucking stop, you goddamn idiots. Stop dissing other religions and go back to your cave. I myself am not religious, but no matter what religion you are, it doesn't give you a fucking right to do that. So be quiet and walk away with your tail between your legs.
They only probably don't want to be molested. There's always that one.
MOST kids don't want to be molested, some are cool with it. LOGIC!
Someone mentions the tiniest hint of religion and BOOM wild hater s appear!
whack the religion card out and people are stabbing each other with words... serious problem!?
heh... no matter what ypour religious beliefs are, this is damn funny
Lol, I think you're mad. Yep, these guys are really mad.
Religion is like a Dick, its okay to be proud of it but don't go around showing it off and shoving in other peoples faces. Just keep it to yourself.
Graded by a priest.
is he wrong?
In RE, there is no wrong answer
Love how people thumbs down some of these comments just because they don't want to face facts: 1. Plenty of priests have been busted for molesting children 2. If you're not married, and also strongly religious, it's safe to assume you would get sexually frustrated over some period of time. Said frustration, if not coped with or diverted properly, can lead to deviant behavior i.e. molesting children. Your thumbs down don't even matter.
My answer would have been, "People are becoming too educated to believe all that bullshit. Stop the lies and prove that anything they say is true."
religious quizes on funny exam = epic
Religion isn't based off of any facts, evolution stands as a theory because there are still facts buried into the ground, and facts destroyed by years and years of people raiding graves and tombs.
But he didn't get full marks... he only got 4/5...... top comment FAIL.
The only thing better than the brutal honesty? The fact that the teacher accepted it as valid. WIN.